Located at the very bottom of Adirondack Park, at Corinth, just a few hundred yards inside the blue line marking the park perimeter, the Hudson River meets the dams at Curtis Falls and Palmer Falls, which once powered the largest complex of paper mills in the Adirondacks. Palmer Falls was one of the great scenic attractions on the Hudson. A hotel was constructed in 1864 to accommodate tourists coming to see the falls, and numerous paintings and postcards captured its majesty. Soon a major industrial operation, spanning from Curtis Falls to Palmer Falls, evolved into the largest pulp and paper mill in the USA, and likely the first plant to combine the processes. In 1898, the International Paper Company was formed to take over this operation and more than a dozen others. The company expanded the mill, building a concrete dam at the top of the falls in 1914, which transformed the falls into an industrial artifact. By the 1960s the mill was one of the largest employers in upstate New York, with 1,750 workers. The mill closed in 2002, and was mostly demolished in 2012. The town of Corinth has not recovered from its closure.