Report on CLUI Regional Facilities

THE CENTER MANAGES A VARIETY of regional facilities that serve as public contact stations, project support centers, and exhibition sites. Some are open with a specific program for just a few months, others for a few years, and some continuously.
Desert Research Station
The Desert Research Station is an interpretive test site and outpost in the Mojave, near Barstow, which the Center has operated since 2000. Facility work and upgrades continued in 2023, in preparation for programming scheduled in 2024, related to Getty’s next Pacific Standard Time initiative, PST ART: Art & Science Collide.
CLUI Wendover
A number of university and museum groups visited CLUI Wendover, located on the edge of Utah’s Bonneville salt flats, over the 2023 season. Art and architecture groups came from the University of Utah, Illinois College of DuPage, the Institute of Contemporary Art Los Angeles, and the New York-based Dia Art Foundation. Texas Tech’s Land Arts of the American West field program made its annual week-long visit, camping out at the Center’s support facilities on the old flightline, across from the Enola Gay Hangar.
CLUI Swansea
The Center operates a site on the eastern shore of Owens Lake, at Swansea, California, under the shadow of Mount Whitney. A new exhibition opened there in March 2023, called Fountains of Owens Lake. ♦