CLUI Visitors and Visitations

THE CLUI LOS ANGELES EXHIBIT space, bookshop and office is open to the public during regular hours, and at other times by appointment. Groups and university classes that visited in 2023 include Columbia University (Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation), ArtCenter College of Design (Humanities and Sciences), the University of Southern California (Architecture and Landscape Architecture), Berggruen Institute (Antikythera Studio), UCLA (Architecture), University of New Mexico (Architecture), CalArts, Mira Costa College, and a class from the Kunstakademie Dusseldorf, Germany. CLUI representatives also zoomed-in or traveled to give talks over the year, including at the University of Colorado Boulder, CalArts, and UC Santa Barbara, and met some classes in the field, including with UCLA Art History professor Miwon Kwon. ♦