CLUI Visitors and Visitations

THE CLUI WAS ENGAGED IN a few exhibitions on the other side of the Atlantic in 2020. The first was in Lanzarote, in the Canary Islands, where a CLUI installation was on display from January 30 to March 31, inside an old church building known as San Antonio’s Hermitage. CLUI program manager Aurora Tang spent several days on the island, and gave a public presentation at the International Contemporary Art Museum there, too. She also gave a presentation at INLAND/Campo Adentro’s Centro de Acercamiento a lo Rural, in Madrid, Spain, where CLUI work was on display February 5 to March 15. From June 6 to September 13, the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw, Poland, featured a CLUI Landscan as part of its exhibit The Penumbral Age: Art in the Time of Planetary Change.
Meanwhile, back home in Los Angeles, classes visited the CLUI for talks from staff and discussions, from January to March 2020, including groups from UCLA, USC, UC Berkeley, Rice, Elon University, and Claremont College. In-person visits stopped on March 14, due to the growing Covid-19 pandemic, and all CLUI facilities closed to the public from that time to the present. Online class presentations and discussions have continued, including visits with CalArts; the University of Redlands; and Portland State University. ♦